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Polyurethane Bending stiffener in dynamic applications origin China

2020-08-19 11:32 click:555
In dynamic applications,polyurethane bending stiffener need to have sufficient fatigue resistance to control the bending radius in use and maintain the cyclic load to the specified service life, while in static applications, they must prevent total bending.They are designed to protect MBR caused by bending due to axial load and prevent fatigue damage.
It's molded from polyurethane and has a circular flame shape, so it can be easily placed in cables and cables in the center of ships, and can be applied to static and dynamic cables. The design parameters have been greatly improved to avoid malfunctions.The design purpose is to increase the local stiffness of the cable and the umbilical cord at the connection point with the rigid structure, thereby limiting bending stress and excessive bending.
Can be customized accroding to your needs.

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